Thursday, June 2, 2011

Threptin For Weight Loss

Fly fly from Lodz to Zgierz, the road looks: a fire tower, the tower firefighter fell asleep and snoring, in the bottom of the tower, staring staring ...*

People are divided into those who have a car the size of the apartment and those who have a car-sized apartment. I am from the latter. Good is only that in case of fire do not have a dilemma of what to save. Plasma TV, or a new toilet seat. I grab his arm in a minor and her doll wymiętoloną AWEU and you can blow into the arms of a firefighter you fancy. There is this bad. Drawback is that one has of that minor and regularly explain that the ATM does not print banknotes. A explanation This is vividly Pikus minor compared to the behavior of self-discipline. When weaning yesterday explained its wild pantomime that toil as the mom and the whole team can not afford her ears pierced czterolatce, that he treated me, an insult to the majesty and the route traveled by car 15 minutes in silent meditation. In total, rightly so, because I ordered her to sit down and think about the poor children who can not afford even the ears. However, as I know that something I like, and the balance is reduced as a bag of crisps under the influence of tap-dancing, then I go mad for a minimum of 48 hours that do not come without forks. Glory the heavens that there are ciuchbudy because zeschłabym the match without new clothes and non-blood vampire.

Benetton's dress is as if anyone asks,
and shoes are najniewygodniejsze under the sun, the leg is put forward,
carved belts, lining rubs from looking, generally defeat Allegro

* Michal Bajor 'Fireman'


Miriana said...

WYKORZYSTUJESZ MOJE ZDJĘCIA! Wszystkie były umieszczone na moim blogu, tłumaczysz moje teksty! To jest niezgodne z prawem i chcę usunięcia wszystkich postów w których używasz mojego wizerunku!

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