Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Split Iso File With Cd Burner Xp

any Zdjencia ETC: D / / / slacker Fotky ITD

Piatok - Bola som v Land: D I am on a Fantastikovy Bela and my mom on the Eponke striedačku ...
Piontek - I was in the v: D I am on Fantastikovi and my mom and Bela on Eponie (not together once again on it :-) Newi how this will say: P)

Saturday - Bola som s Marlenkou, Kasiou a Gosiou v land at Place de la Bastille and the offspring of Marlene jazdila Eponke and offspring on 3D sla som video Blesk
Saturday - I was Marlenkom s, v Gosiom Kasiom and in the Bastille and then on Eponce jezdila Marlena and I then slime on the 3D video - Lightning

Nedela - Bola som v land at EPonke: D Bolo supeer :-) Really it Lubka ..
Nedziela - Bylam in terrain EPonce .. It was super: P Straszny yom lubie .. : D

Monday -
Marlenka was on and I Eponke to Fantastika:) It was also super
Poniedzalek -
Marlenka EPonce i was on me to Fantastika: D ALSO was super

I fasi in the Field : D Marlenka did zdjencie of EPonki: P DZienky: *

Boy and Azzaro

she was Dziwna? D

Cyklada and Immogenna

Juszka: D

Fantatik, Epona, Yunona (con Paul)

And I szukajonc my horses .... Who escaped: P

PS: Vsimnite s new Mini Blogy Koni D / Som New Mini Blogy horses is their look: P

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Break Out Evening Primerose

*** Merry Christmass AnD Happy New Year Hubertus *** ** **

Merry Christmass and Happy New Year: *
Veselá Vianoce and Stastny Nový year: *
I Neva in Polish as it is said: / but I wish you a Merry poproste swiont: P: *

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