Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chicken Pox Early Mouth

100cm *** *** , In Eponka, Tha Best Friends

**** Love **** Epona and Fantastik

*** *** 100 cm
hihi, so I ha best:) but nooo ... Noo just today I jumped 100 cm at Fanta ... I thought of when I should die before him the jump. Fanto it to me first about 3 times but to avoid a jeee, I just jumped 100 and tichoooo: D. .. Damage caused to me that there were now fucim how stupid .. A viite what I found that when my little svinka wants so wiii be reflected from the earth! and to watch out: P This is a vital lesson! (No pictures sorry)
Epona In
so in Monday I went for a walk with Eponkou ... Bala is almost every stone and twig but it is for the young to act in a completely new environment for granted and I congratulate him from me somewhere nezvalila:) At the beginning of SLA as a steamroller at the end how spoiled steamroll .. We just trotted ... I found that it will be done poriadnu kondicku: P Noo us already but our adapt kid: P sooo wish it may continue to be so done;)

Tha Best Friends
Fanto and Eponka ... They te horses Bags horrible like .. FSAD go together ... Fanto and will protect it when it wants to come near to Inny now responds to con ... Tonda not even answering the ofhlavku into thin air: D Well just laaaska is laaaska ... That you should see your eyes as the Kukal when I took Eponku gone .. A Epona vkuuse Erdziii one for them. I found coke from EPonka Lubi suchychleba than anything else: P. .. I have a few photos as the Eponka Fantová twist in the shade and how to share water and there are =
Fanto Luuubim Ta =
Epona =: P Lubi mna ne tebaaa
Epona: Season Slnkooo do tiena
Epona: Ja som tu! no pozeras sa kam ...
Kuk: P JooJ tiez toto je dobre: \u200b\u200bP

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Keeping Leather Shoes From Creasing


** ** Love EPona and Fantastic ****

Friday, April 11, 2008

What Part Of Dandelion Does Bunnies Eat


EPona and Fantastic Love **** **** Nooo
so in Saturday SETC warned me that if I come on half the sixth to the stables and kill me personally so I woke up about 4:30 that I had a chance. Of course when I came to SETC este hajinkali. Then came Aďka at 6:15 am, followed by Sonke and izka and my mom, Alice, of course, arrived first at 7:20! At that time we had already planned for when we get there. Of course when they saw the horses in a hurry to do crap (that is my mucik not :***). Bobik, we have treated long enough, fortunately, and it started an hour later ... Cele odsoferovala us to my mom (Dikiiiiii). I came there, I disguised narwhal in chaps and I walked into a classroom. There we were told of the highest man in Slovakia will referee (SETC cheered) .. Then we have to imagine .. My text was from: My name is Nina Zagozdzon. Attended the basic school and I would like to dedicate jumping (Good neee: D) Then we split into two groups by the numbers I was 8 (najneoblubenejsie my number right after the sevens). I went last (what it pays for me to race because I went to 4) and there were a few mistakes and avoid Fanto me once so Niaki but I survived. Then I ran quickly write test (brrr..) Test was okay: D That we have to learn it CLICK . That I had to 1 *: D I gave him even the first! Then they were racing .. (I have proof of them was CLICK ) A document in the notice that I went to the fourth: (While I was writing test is Alice with her mother chose for the other two horses. First was roziazdovanie which was pretty cool and were then race. On the race slo follows:
Izabela - Salome 50 cm
Nina - Fantastik 50cm
Sonke - Cassanova 50 cm
Isabella - 50 cm Bobby
Sonke - Salome 70 cm! Ribbons!! Congratulations!
Alice - Cassanova 80 cm
Alice - Bobik 80 cm
I went to the race completely horrible but strange kommen ostatnim but are properly managed. Just pass by so I had 27 penalty points from the 17 per timeout. Fanta I jumped 3 times. Well I finally decided that actually I do voltyz nom .. : D I like it ... just srasneee Niom and here is the scorecard in which pomilili and gave me napprve I almost died: D: D: D CLICK (Note he is to me a beautiful green unit: D) \u200b\u200bA

add photos ever: D And while there are photos of Alice's website (Note I am doing Alice ad: D) http://www.jklimit.websnadno.cz/akcie. html : D

PS: I already LICENTOVANÝ rider watch out for me